Leading Group Travel
If you are planning to lead a group on a trip overseas, there are several things you must consider. The considerations below are designed to advise you of university-level requirements and guidance for planning safe and successful travel. There may be additional requirements based on your school or your particular travel plans. If you have any questions or would like to discuss your group travel plans, please reach out to Global Services.
Obtain approvals for your travel from your school and department. Many departments require a detailed written request (goals, itinerary, logistics, etc.) 6 months prior to travel. Contact your department for more information. If you are leading a group that includes any Emory College students, you should also connect wtih the Education Abroad office in Emory College to determine if there are additional requirements for those travelers.
- Review Emory’s travel and expense policy and business and research guidelines.
- Confirm that you and all members of your group traveling have up-to-date passports. Secure visas as needed. Emory does not have an office dedicated to procuring visas, but you may wish to employ a visa agency, such as CIBT Visas. Recommend that family members have current passports in case they are needed in an emergency.
- Review immunization needs well in advance, allowing enough time for certain vaccines to take effect. The CDC website is a useful resource for reviewing the possible vaccines needed. Please encourage your group to visit their physician or a travel health professional to discuss immunization and medication needs for the trip. Students may wish to visit Emory Student Health or a local travel clinic. Faculty and Staff may wish to visit Emory’s TravelWell Clinic.
- Review insurance requirements and considerations for destination. Effective Fall 2022, Emory faculty, staff, and students on Emory-sponsored international travel have emergency medical insurance through International SOS. Learn more about this new benefit and other insurance considerations here.
- Program leaders should contact Alma Reynal Quintanilla in Global Safety and Security, for a 30-minute briefing on safety, security, and an overview of the resources available to Emory travelers.
- Book your travel using one of Emory's approved travel vendors: CTM, Sequel Travel, or Cadence. Review these vendors here. Make sure to use a reputable travel company to arrange in-country transportation and choose the safest accommodations. If you are renting a car, review driver’s license and insurance requirements.
- Consult International SOS for in-country information, required immunizations, travel warnings, and safety tips.
- Conduct at least one orientation for your participants prior to your trip to review the following:
- Logistics: what to bring, required documentation, immunizations, in-country information, etc.
- Walk through International SOS and its services. Illustrate how best to use International SOS prior to, during, and after your trip.
- Effective Fall 2022, Emory faculty, staff, and students on Emory-sponsored international travel have emergency medical insurance, as well as access to emotional support services through International SOS. Learn more about these benefits here.
- All travelers are encouraged to put the International SOS Assistance app on their phones (QR code to download found on the International SOS card).
- Provide a thorough written checklist of expectations and goals for the trip. Ensure that all participants have reviewed this checklist.
- Obtain emergency contact information from your group members and determine whether participation releases are needed. Contact the Office of General Counsel for more information.
- Communicate to participants the total cost associated with the trip and identify means to provide assistance for anyone who cannot meet these costs.
- Recommend that group members have cell phones that work internationally and discuss plans for back-up communication in country.
- Create a profile for yourself in International SOS and ensure each group member creates an International SOS profile as well. Each profile should include flight itinerary information at a minimum. Travelers should also upload key travel information to their International SOS profiles, such as passport and visa copies, important medical information (e.g., blood type, allergies, copies of prescriptions), and emergency contacts to aid International SOS in supporting travelers in the event of an emergency.
- Develop an emergency plan. International SOS can assist you with specific details, e.g., appropriate hospitals to use, and your can discuss your plan with Alma Reynal Quintanilla in Global Safety and Security
- Collect signed liability waivers. A liability waiver must be signed by any student embarking on Emory-sponsored travel abroad. If your program does not already have a program-specific waiver that has been reviewed and approved by Emory’s Office of the General Counsel (OGC), the form found at the link above can be used. Any changes made to this form, beyond filling in trip-specific information in the blanks provided, must be submitted to Global Services, which will obtain OGC review. This form is updated periodically, so please check back whenever planning a new trip. Completed waivers should be provided to an appropriate administrative official at the student’s school.
- Keep electronic and physical copies of key documents. Keep one set of copies on site and one set back at Emory. Advise travelers to bring hard copies of passports, visas, and any other important documentation (e.g., prescriptions).
- Conduct an in-country orientation once you have arrived at your destination to review the following:
- Review the logistics, goals, and expectations covered prior to the trip.
- Communicate all contingency plans to the group. Ensure that all travelers know what to do in case of emergency.
- If anyone is traveling on their own during the trip, make sure to obtain their itinerary.
- Have the following with you at all times: International SOS membership card, the nearest U.S. embassy contact information, your department emergency contact number, and a charged cell phone that works abroad.