Philip Wainwright
Philip Wainwright is vice provost for global strategy and initiatives at Emory University.
Following his appointment in 2013, Wainwright led the development of Emory's global strategic plan and launched the office in new directions to more broadly support Emory’s strategic goals, which include developing geographic focal points, cultivating institutional partnerships and support networks in target countries, and strengthening the university’s infrastructure in support of global work.
As the son of an early international faculty member in Candler School of Theology, Wainwright’s investment in Emory’s values and growth traces back to childhood.
After completing his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at Emory, he earned a doctorate in modern British history from Stanford.
A 2007 winner of the Andrew Heiskell Award for Innovation in International Education, Wainwright first joined Emory’s Center for International Programs Abroad (CIPA) at its founding in 1996 and eventually oversaw the center as one part of his broader portfolio as associate dean at Emory College of Arts and Sciences. During the 16 years in which he worked with and guided CIPA, Wainwright built study abroad into a feature of students’ lives at Emory, creating support structures in the college from crisis management to curriculum.
A multi-published expert in the field of international education, Wainwright is also professionally active in a number of related organizations and served on the committee drafting the Forum on Education Abroad’s Standards of Good Practice. In the past, he served as the regional representative for the Section on US Students Abroad for NAFSA: Association of International Educators.
Wainwright has also taught as a visiting assistant professor in Emory’s Department of History.